Sunday, April 19, 2009

The Quick One, Two Punch

You're familiar with Boxing right?

If you are, then you know how the quick one, two punch can wear their opponent down. For those of you who don't, it's basically a punch from the left, then the right.

Now, let's think of your competition in your market as the quick one, two punch. They are slowly wearing you down, eating away at your self-confidence on whether or not your business can hold up to theirs.

Before we get into the goodies, I will make something very clear and important. Competition is good!

Without competition, you have no business market. Just imagine you have the first product called Kiddiemagoos (not a real name BTW) that has recently hit the market. Kiddiemagoos is a device that helps babies learn how to walk. Sounds like an interesting product for parents? Well, here's the bad news, since you are the only person out there that has made this product, it's hard for you to get your product off the ground. People just aren't believing in your product. No matter how much marketing and selling you do, it goes no where.

Now imagine... that Kiddiemagoos is a well known product, but other products go by another name. What do you think your results will be? How about, much better!!! Because you have competition they are helping you build the recognition of your product. Now, all you need to do is show why your product is so much better than your competition.

If you had to choose either of the options above, brand new product that no one ever heard of or a product that stand's out above your competion, what would it be?

I hope you said the later.

Now that we've set the ground on that, let's dive a little deeper in how you can avoid the quick one, two punch. Well, it all comes down to what we had already touch a little bit on, Standing out above your competition. Basically, why your product should be picked over the competition.

The last thing us business owners want to do is give up. That shows we are not determined leaders who are interest in their team in succeeding.

Standing out above your competition can be service, which by the way is something extremely important and which I follow, or the benefits of your product.

Whatever it is for you, you must ensure than you do not give in to the quick one, two punch of your competition. If you want to avoid the quick one, two punch, then you got to be quick-witted, creative, and up for a challenge. Because as a business owner, you're going to need it in order to succeed.

Be sure you're the one who's giving the quick one, two punch, by showing what you have is better, rather than the one receiving it.

Never give up!

Your thoughts

What are some ways you have developed for avoiding your competition from wearing you down? Please feel free to share some of the techniques you incorporate into your business by replying to this blog post.

Dedicated to your Success,

Jerome Ratliff

Photo courtesy of

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Monday, April 6, 2009

Turning Business Into Fun Times

Does the daunting tasks of running your home business sometimes take the fun out of running your business?

If you've ever experienced this, you're not alone. In fact, a lot of home business owners get so caught up in tasks that they completely forget to have fun. I'm here to show you how you can turn those daunting tasks into fun times. Would you like to learn how you can have fun again in your business? Below are five tips you can easily implement into your business.

Turning Business Into Fun Times

Tip #1 - Treat the tasks like a game
(We all like games, when you treat the tasks like a game, you will find more happiness in doing what you do. One game I incorporate into my business is, keeping score. Whenever I finish a task that I have the most difficulty with doing, I give myself a point on my scoreboard. Then at the end of the week, I count up all of my points on my scoreboard, then I celebrate using tip #2 to close out the game.)

Tip #2 - Reward yourself
(After you've finished one of the many tasks, give yourself a little reward. A reward can be taking an extra 10 minute break, buying a coffee, jumping up and throwing your arms into the air and yelling "YES!". Ok, the last one might not work for you, but it may for some. Just get creative here, you deserve to reward yourself.)

Tip #3 - Take frequent breaks
(When you take frequent breaks, you don't get caught up in thick of the task and instead by taking a break you allow for your creative mind to start working for you.)

Tip #4 - Don't take your tasks so seriously
(When you find you're taking your work too seriously, stop it. Instead, find some humor and joy in what you do. Whatever it is for you, just be sure you're having fun.)

Tip #5 - Laugh
(When you're having a hard time finishing or even doing for that matter, any of the business building tasks, try taking a break and laughing. This technique goes hand in hand with tip #4, but instead while taking a break ensuring that you laugh and have a good time. When you laugh, you shift your energy off the daunting tasks to having a fun time.)

The above tips are just a small example of what you can do to turn your business into fun times. Whatever methods work for you, just be sure you're having fun in the process of running your business. Business doesn't have to be boring, it should be fun.

Your thoughts

What are some methods you use to have fun in your business? Please feel free to share some of the techniques you incorporate into your business.

Dedicated to your Success,

Jerome Ratliff

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