Saturday, November 29, 2008

Feel the Need for Speed

With troubling times come great opportunities.

Unfortunately, most fail to see this because they are inundated with of all the negative press coverage.

It's a shame people have to be subjected to that negative news. They need news that is uplifting and inspiring them to make a difference. I just know if they knew what we know, they would do the same thing we are doing, growing our home business.

And, luckily for us network marketers we know that we need to take control of our lives and our businesses.

Us leaders do that everyday by working on expanding our business by:

  • Recruiting and training new distributors
  • Enrolling new customers
  • And, increasing our value

It's time you feel the need for speed and kick your MLM business into over gear. Stop kicking tires and making excuses like, "Oh, I'll do it tomorrow" or "I just don't feel like it today."

Forget that nonsense! If you feel like that on a constant basis, do yourself a favor and get out of this industry right away and return to Corporate America.

But if you want to make a change, it's time to reach out and make a difference. With so many people being affected by the bad times of the economy, it's NOW a perfect time to reach out to those who are looking for a new vehicle to accumulate wealth.

Why NOW? Because if you don't work on getting these people into your business making you and them money, that's one more day of suffering these people have to go through.

Have you thought that you might be that special someone? But, you will never know for sure unless YOU Take Action.

Start by increasing your value and learning about being a leader.

If you want to become magnetic, because that's what leaders are. It's absolutely, most importantly crucial you Feel the Need for Speed by working on building your MLM empire right NOW!

Until next time!

Dedicated to your success,

Jerome Ratliff
Visit to learn about the fantastic journey he's embarked through his business ventures.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Lead and Succeed Like a CEO

Wouldn't you like to know what it would take to become a leader in your business?

Well, I recently posted an eZine article about being a leader called "Are you the Leader of the Pack" In this article I talk about some of the key characteristics it takes to be a leader.

And, one of the most important traits described in this article is to instill leader characteristics into your team members. This gives those serious team members the opportunity to rise above and be the CEO of their business.

Have you heard of "lead and succeed"? Well, did you know that successful CEOs of their business became that way because they pulled their leaders up? They didn't run their entire business by themselves. No, they knew by leveraging other resources that would grow their business.

Did you know that's one of the biggest secrets of millionaires? They have been doing this for over 100 years. The power of leverage will take your business to the highest levels you can ever imagine.

I was recently reading an article from Tim Sales and after reading through it, I was amazed by his command of leadership. And, this was just reading the article. Could you imagine hearing him at work with his team? Wow! I would love to be a fly on the wall when he's training his team.

You see the point I'm making here is to reach true levels of success in your home business, you must be a leader who creates leaders.

When you lead and succeed like a CEO of your business, you are putting out there characteristics people would only dream of having. Therefore, making you magnetic.

Do yourself a favor, rise above and rise your team leaders above.

Dedicated to your success,

Jerome Ratliff

Visit to learn about the fantastic journey he's embarked through his business ventures.

Monday, November 3, 2008

It Takes Two To Tangle

How many times have you heard...

"All you need is two people to join your business..."

But, what does that really mean. If I sign-up two people and they never perform, aren't we back to square one.

Yes, we are! So, what's the whole hoopla about getting two people if they just aren't performers?

I've learned that it should probably be worded something like this instead...

"All you need is the right two people to join your business..."

There is some validity to getting two people, but they have to be the right ones. They have to be go-getters! They have to be visionaries! They have to be optimistic! They have to be ready to embark down the journey of home business ownership!

If you were to look in the mirror can you honestly say that you are all of those characteristics? Or, can you say that you would join yourself in the business if you were someone else?

If you can't answer those questions with a resounding YES, then you're back to square one.

You're starting from scratch, and in that case it's time to work on your self-image, build your team, become a leader, become magnetic, and teach others how to do the same thing. And no, it doesn't matter that your business has gone anywhere. All that matters is that you step up to plate, take a few swings and make it to first base. Then you go for the next base, then the next base, then after a while, that's when you'll be swinging for the fences. (I bet you can tell which sport I like.)

But, the fact of the matter is, if you are intending on becoming someone successful (that homerun hitter) in this industry, then now is the time.

Now imagine, you find two people that are drawn to you and you mentor them, what do you think they will do with their business?

Uhhh! I don't think I need to answer here, but I will for those that aren't catching on. They will be leaders who are performers. Why? Because when you are attracting these people to you, they had liked what they had seen. Whatever it was, your ability to lead, to be confident, to be decisive, or your ability to take control, they could see themselves following you and learning from you.

Again, Why?


It absolutely, most definitely, takes two to tangle, but with the right two.

Are you attracting the right two?

Dedicated to your success,

Jerome Ratliff
Visit to learn about the fantastic journey he's embarked through his business ventures.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

How To Generate Traffic and Make Your Upline Jealous

Wouldn't you like to know what it would take to generate an endless stream of traffic to your business opportunity site?

What if I told you there was a way?

Would you be interested?

I would hope so, because I know I would be.

And, it all starts with one of the most powerful internet marketing tools. I think you've heard of them before, Google, Google Adwords.

No matter what anyone will tell you, Google Adwords will drive so much traffic to your website, if you know what you're doing. If you want immediate results, then this is the way for you.

Now the other methods work, like SEO, but they take time. They don't happen overnight.

So, if you don't have time and want quick results, Google Adwords is definitely the way to go.

Now, if you're like most entrepreneurs that get involved in Google Adwords without an ounce of know how, they will soon find themselves deep in debt.

There are two major components you need in order to avoid being classified into the failures of Google's Adwords.

1. Learn how to write good, quality ads that give you results. The best book to get you started is Ultimate Guide to Google AdWords (Ultimate Guide to Google Adwords) here at Amazon. It will teach you the dos and the don'ts of Google Adwords. This is critical to your success as the concepts shared in this book will get you the results you will be looking for rather than the old trial error routine.

2. Capitalize on your traffic. Intend to turn your traffic into either customers or business partners. And how you do that is by providing free upfront material for the person to review. Then it's hook, line, and sinker.

If you can follow these two components and by no means are they the only important pieces of information, but they are major pieces to the puzzle when it comes to doing it right, you'll be on the track to success.

You will be so far ahead of everyone else, they won't even see the smoke that follows behind you.

When you're generating traffic to your site and turning those people into customers or business partners, everyone, including your upline, will be wondering what you are doing and how they can get involved.

Now that's being magnetic!!!

If you haven't tried Google Adwords yet, don't until you have followed the two components mentioned in this article.

Dedicated to your success,

Jerome Ratliff
Visit to learn about the fantastic journey he's embarked through his business ventures.
