Hello fellow Business Builders,
Recently we moved all new posts to our Maverick Business Builders' Blog to help provide our subscribers with quick, relevant content as it relates to building your network marketing business.
On Maverick Business Builders' Blog, you will learn about the variety of network marketing techniques along with quick and easy access to tools and products to enhance your business.
Be sure to visit us at http://MaverickBusinessBlog.com.
Thanks for being a valuable subscriber.
Dedicated to your success,
Jerome Ratliff
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
What Happened to http://blog.jeromeratliff.com
Posted by Jerome Ratliff at 9:04 PM 1 comments
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Give Your Prospecting a Wake Up Call
Never mind how dangerous failing to prospect can be to your network marketing company: prospecting for home business these days has changed all for the better.
Web 2.0 and the social arena websites have changed that to make prospecting much easier. However, more network marketers are still having a difficult time with prospecting. They are missing one of the most important ingredients, regardless of where they are growing their business from. And it is...
Give Your Prospecting a Wake Up Call
Having the right posture can make the difference between signing up distributors versus NOT at all. This simple technique below for carrying the right posture online WILL make a difference for your network marketing business.
Rather than promoting your business opportunity or promoting your company's replicated website, why not provide some information that your prospect can actually use. Remember, they are the ones who are looking for some help and is why it has something to do with...
People Need What You Have!
If you can maintain that posture "People Need What You Have" throughout how you represent yourself online, in email communications, forums, blogs, etc. you will be seen more so as a reputable source who knows what they are talking about. Also you'll be seen as someone others can trust.
Because this simple technique is so easy to forget, this is one of the reason why your prospecting may need a wake up call.
While online and growing your business, incorporate that right posture in everything you do. The last thing you want to happen is that you put something online only to find out it has hurt your reputation. Would you say that's one mistake you wouldn't want to make?
Your thoughts
What are some techniques you have incorporated "Posture" in your network marketing biz that you would like to share with everyone? Please feel free to share your take on this topic by replying to this blog post here.
Dedicated to your Success,
Jerome Ratliff
If you liked this post, please feel free to leave a comment or subscribing to this blog
Posted by Jerome Ratliff at 8:21 PM 0 comments
Labels: howto, prospecting
Saturday, August 1, 2009
List Building is Your Lifeline to Your Home Business
I recently wrote this article on BetterNetworker.com about building your list and wanted to share this with you. What you will learn in this little article is so VITAL to your business and your greatest earning potential, that you would be crazy not to follow this simple, but misunderstood technique for building your list.
You can visit the article here on BetterNetworker.com (the #1 Social Media website for networkers)
Your thoughts
What are some techniques you have used in your business to build your list of serious prospects? Please feel free to share your take on this topic by replying to this blog post here.
Dedicated to your Success,
Jerome Ratliff
If you liked this post, please feel free to leave a comment or subscribing to this blog.
Posted by Jerome Ratliff at 11:32 PM 0 comments
Labels: home business, howto, list building
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Become a Surprise Like Susan Boyle
Would you like to become a sudden success like Susan Boyle?
Susan Boyle, a Scottish singer who became a sudden success after she appeared on the reality TV show - Britain's Got Talent. Listen to her sing here
Her long time dream of being a singer became a reality when the day she made a decision to take action and perform at her best. We all can learn a lesson or two from Susan Boyle.
Sure, she was faced with some adversities here and there, but so has everyone else. What made her success different is she decided no longer to let that hold her back from reaching her highest dreams.
What's holding you back from reaching your highest dreams in your network marketing business???
If you just take the same steps as Susan Boyle made, you'll actually find that you can make things happen for you and Become a Surprise Like Susan Boyle.
Whether it is taking action or performing at your best, it really doesn't matter. All that matter is you decide that you will succeed. And, here's what you can do so that you can perform at your best by doing two very simple steps...
1. Create a master plan of where you want to be
2. Create a short-term plan of what you WILL do every single day at your BEST to reach your master plan goals
If you can stick to that plan and always operate at your optimum, I promise you, you'll see a change. So, make that decision and get started RIGHT NOW!!!
Your thoughts
Once you listen to the above youtube video of Susan Boyle, you'll feel compelled to take action just like Susan did. What's one lesson you learned from Susan Boyle, or anyone that was faced with adversities in order to succeed in life? Please feel free to share your take on this topic by replying to this blog post here.
Dedicated to your Success,
Jerome Ratliff
If you liked this post, please feel free to leave a comment or subscribing to this blog.
Photo courtesy of Eonline.com
Posted by Jerome Ratliff at 9:17 PM 0 comments
Labels: network marketing, susan boyle
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Generate MLM Leads and More Money
I recently uploaded this NEW video to the Maverick Business Builders website and wanted to share that with you.
In this video you will learn how to "Generate More MLM Leads", "Earn More Money", and "Become a MLM Leader" and much more...
Your thoughts
What are some of the valuable lessons you've put to use by providing high quality content videos you've created? Please feel free to share your take on this topic by replying to this blog post here.
Dedicated to your Success,
Jerome Ratliff
If you liked this post, please feel free to leave a comment or subscribing to this blog.
Posted by Jerome Ratliff at 9:12 PM 0 comments
Labels: mlm leads, mlm system, network marketing
Monday, July 13, 2009
Spread Your MLM Business Like Swine Flu
I'm sure you've heard of Swine Flu. And, other than its classification as H1N1, we know its Flu like symptoms and awareness of what it can do to people has spread through the global news channels like wild fire.
This publicity has created a huge stir of concern. We as network marketers can learn something very valuable from Swine Flu - "It's known around the world."
Can you just imagine for one minute what your MLM business would be like if it had spread around the globe just like Swine Flu? I'm almost certain you will be in an entirely different position.
Well, there is a way you can make this possible through the power of PPC advertising. PPC advertising, done right, can give you the right amount of attention your MLM business needs - very similar to how people learned about Swine Flu.
WARNING! I don't encourage you to go out and jump into the deep-end by creating a PPC campaign and find yourself deep in debt with no sponsored distributors to show for it. That's why I recommend the use of PPC Domination.
Before you go out and pick up PPC Domination, there's a way you can get a huge discount on it. All you have to do is pick up your copy of Magnetic Sponsoring (unless you already have), then during the check out process you will get a one-time discount to pick up PPC Domination.
This discount will be so huge, you would be crazy not to pick up. Here's your discounted link.
Your thoughts
What are some of the valuable lessons you've learned in life where you've benefited from? Please feel free to share your take on this topic by replying to this blog post here.
Dedicated to your Success,
Jerome Ratliff
If you liked this post, please feel free to leave a comment or subscribing to this blog.
Posted by Jerome Ratliff at 9:31 PM 0 comments
Labels: get mlm lead, magnetic sponsoring, network marketing, ppc, ppc domination, swine flu
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Harry Potter and Network Marketing
What does Harry Potter and Network Marketing have in common?
Instead of the obvious, let's take this a step further to see what the two have in common...
- Harry Potter, a fictitious character from the J.K. Rowling book series, "Harry Potter and..." who is an adolescent wizard determined to the mastery of wizardry.
- Network Marketing, a marketing strategy to grow a business through the means of a person's social network where it requires a person to act in the role of an expert in the particular business.
Just like Harry Potter, network marketing requires mastery. That mastery for MLM will come in different forms such as; marketing, prospecting and recruiting, training, what have you.
When Harry Potter or the network marketer is working on mastering their particular skill, it's about learning all that you can about the skill and put it to use. The more you, practice if you will, the better you will become. And, the better you will become, the more recognized you will be.
Harry Potter and the book series itself did not get recognized until J.K. Rowling kept promoting it and getting it in front of people. The daily disciplines of promoting the book series and the main character Harry Potter contributed to their success.
Networking marketing and the MLMer is no different. The daily disciplines of growing your business, as we briefly mentioned before, and mastering them contribute to your success which allows you to become more recognizable.
Who else can you compare network marketing to?
Your thoughts
What are some of your daily disciplines that has helped you grow your MLM business? What mechanism did you follow to determine which efforts where successful versus not? Please feel free to share your take on this topic by replying to this blog post here.
Dedicated to your Success,
Jerome Ratliff
If you liked this post, please feel free to leave a comment or subscribing to this blog.
Posted by Jerome Ratliff at 7:48 PM 0 comments
Labels: harry potter, network marketing
Thursday, July 2, 2009
What is Your Brand
I'm not talking about what product you sell or your business opportunity. What I am talking about is, what is it that you do and live by to grow your business?
In other words... Your Brand!
What is Your Brand!!!
Note: For every person their brand will be different in some fashion or another.
For your MLM business, your brand is...
- What makes your business unique.
- All about putting your twist on the way you do business.
- What people want and need.
1. Does it exemplify ME?
2. Will it help people with their primary problems?
If you can answer "Yes", you've got your brand for your network marketing business. Next step is to take action and carry out Your Brand.
Your thoughts
What's your brand like? How did you determine what your brand was? Please feel free to share your take on this topic by replying to this blog post here.
Dedicated to your Success,
Jerome Ratliff
If you liked this post, please feel free to leave a comment or subscribing to this blog.
Posted by Jerome Ratliff at 4:51 PM 0 comments
Labels: business builder, howto, network marketing
Monday, June 22, 2009
Social Media Wasting All of Your Time
With all of the great social media websites, one must wonder, "Why spend my time on these sites when I can be building my business."
Let's face it, the serious business owners acknowledge social media as a great vehicle to build their business, but it is not the only means by generating business. So many business owners are using the social media websites for the wrong reasons. You'll see people on there wishing their friends with "Happy Birthday Wishes" or messing around with their profile page, and these people think this is helping them grow their business.
This will not sustain growth in their home business! That's just the way it is.
Definitely do not let social media waste all of your valuable time. Now don't get me wrong, social media websites are great, but how you use them for your purpose, is key. Especially for the business owners. Find yourself messing around and not providing value to your audience, then watch and see how you're setting yourself up for failure.
While using the social media websites, be sure as I just mentioned, provide value. Sure you can still have fun or act as you are. It's just that you don't want to let it consume your time. If you do, you'll look back months down the wrong and wonder why social media has done nothing for you.
Tip on how to use social media websites - Make sure what you are doing is contributing to the growth of your company. Provide articles, post your blog, provide videos, etc. Just be sure it's helping your business move forward as well as others.
If you're not using social media as a means of building your business, then you don't need to worry as this only applies to the serious entrepreneurs.
Your thoughts
What's your best kept secret on how to effectively use social media to build your business? What's one tip you have found to be so helpful that you are willing to share? Please feel free to share your take on this topic by replying to this blog post here.
Dedicated to your Success,
Jerome Ratliff
If you liked this post, please feel free to leave a comment or subscribing to this blog.
Posted by Jerome Ratliff at 9:18 PM 0 comments
Labels: howto, social marketing, social media
Sunday, June 14, 2009
2,175 Leads in One Year
Wouldn't you like to have that many leads literally knocking down your door to join what you have to offer?
Anyone with the right mind would love to attract that many interested prospects. But, in a sea of controversy and skepticism, how can anyone stay focused and pull in those kind of numbers?
As Earl Nightingale once said, "All you have to do is know where you're going. The answers will come to you of their own accord." What Earl is saying here is stay focused on your destination and the results will follow. Well, generating over 2,000 leads per year has everything to do with knowing where you are as if you've already seen the results.
When I first pursued generating leads it was a learning curve. I started from very little. But that very little thing, "determination" kept me focused on the end goal. Once you have the determination to succeed and you stay on the track of reaching your goal, creating interesting leads is a given.
As Earl had mentioned, "...the answers will come to you of their own accord." So many people are looking for the immediate answer rather than working on the task at hand, "generating leads", that people get distracted from achieving their goals or finding the answers. This is why knowing where you will end is vital to your success.
What needs to happen to ensure you are pulling in leads is that you are doing the things which will allow you to fulfill that goal. In today's market, that means providing value to two types of people. The first one is someone who is in the market for which you are in. Either it's attracting "home business seekers" or "consumers of your products". The second type is someone currently in the market. A knowledgeable lead who already knows about your home business building techniques or products.
When you provide value to those two types of leads, you are fulfilling one aspect of how you can generate thousands upon thousands of leads on an annual basis. Now at first, there will be a learning curve. A rather big learning curve. That learning curve will consist of effective marketing, training, education in your business or product, and effective recruiting. These are only touching the surface, nevertheless, they demonstrate when you become a reputable source and begin sharing that information, attracting leads will follow.
If there is any doubt in your mind right now, then what you need to do is curb that doubt. All of us successful network marketers know this. If there is doubt, it will show. In that case, you'll never get the opportunity to generate any lead, period.
So right now, start with providing value to your target market. And be sure you are continuously educating yourself on your business or product. Otherwise, you're like a doctor without his/her doctorate who subscribes medicine. No one trusts that.
Build the trust of which you desire and you'll have an unlimited number of interested leads pursuing you.
Your thoughts
What kind of "provided value" do you think will pull in the most leads to anyone's business? What are some of the techniques you've used in your business? Please feel free to share your take on this topic by replying to this blog post here.
Dedicated to your Success,
Jerome Ratliff
If you liked this post, please feel free to leave a comment or subscribing to this blog.
Picture courtesy of Nightingale.com
Posted by Jerome Ratliff at 9:07 PM 0 comments
Labels: howto, leads, mlm leads, network marketing leads
Thursday, June 11, 2009
What's The One Thing To Move YOU Forward
Have you ever wondered, "What's the one thing I can do to move my business forward?"
No one thing by itself will move your business forward. As irritating as that may seem, let me explain and I'm sure you've heard of the phrase...
"It's the little things that matter"
What's The One Thing To Move You Forward
In Jeff Olson's book The Slight Edge, he best describes the little things as...
Which push do you think made the difference in making the one revolution turn? The first one, the second, or the last? Well, there is no particular push that made a difference. It's all of them that mattered.
Each and every push that turned it just the slightest amount, led to one full revolution. With your business it is the same thing. Everyday you are doing the little things, which may seem insignificant. But, with the power of compounding effort, those continuous small tasks lead to success.
So, if you are still wondering, "But, what can I do?" Here it is... Do everything, every single day of that which will contribute to moving your business forward. For the networkers, that means contacting prospects day in and day out, even though each one may not turn into a distributor. Those efforts will not go unrecognized and they will eventually lead to success.
So, keep on keeping on.
Your thoughts
Why do you think most people are looking for that one thing that will get them over the hump? Do you think it is the lack of understanding that each and every little thing matters? Please feel free to share your take on this topic and what you've found to be helpful in moving your business forward, by replying to this blog post here.
Dedicated to your Success,
Jerome Ratliff
If you liked this post, please feel free to leave a comment or subscribing to this blog.
Posted by Jerome Ratliff at 9:12 PM 1 comments
Labels: howto, limiting yourself, success
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Missing One Task Can Jeopardize Your Results
Have you ever pushed off something you knew you should have done in your home business? I'm sure you have at some point in your life, we all have.
What if you knew by choosing not to do that task for that time can actually hurt your long-term results? Sure, missing one task, once in a great moon, will not hold you back, initially. However, if you tend to frequently push off things day in and day out, you're jeopardizing your results, short-term and long-term.
Missing One Task Can Jeopardize Your Results
The reason is, thanks to our old friend Earl Nightingale's definition of success, "Success is the progressive realization of a worthy ideal" which means you're doing tasks each and every day and while carrying those out, you're working on reaching success. This we know, will provide one's home business with ideal results. But, if you tend to push off your tasks, you're not progressively working towards success. That's why taking consistent daily action is the main component in reaching success and why you should always be in motion.
If you tend to stay at rest, then you also will be. Because choosing to stay at rest will not initially hurt you, most don't see any harm in missing that "one" task. Unfortunately, it will hurt you over time. But, if you tend be in motion, then you will be progressively working on reaching success.
Remember, if you choose to consistently miss one "very important" task, it can jeopardize your results. You choose what you want to do or what you not want to do, and the results will speak for themselves.
Your thoughts
Why do you think so many feel it's okay to miss a few tasks here and there? Do you think people are purposely jeopardizing their results? Please feel free to share your take on this topic and what you've found to be helpful in overcoming this bad habit, by replying to this blog post here.
Dedicated to your Success,
Jerome Ratliff
If you liked this post, please feel free to leave a comment or subscribing to this blog.
Posted by Jerome Ratliff at 5:46 PM 0 comments
Labels: earl nightingale, howto, success
Thursday, May 14, 2009
The Surprising Truth Behind Success
Today's post is a motivational piece to get you moving in the direction of your goals.
Have you ever found yourself searching for the secret to success?
I would not be surprised if you have. In fact, most have, until they figure out the 'secret' for them is different for everyone else. In a recent article I wrote, Filling the Shoes of Success, I dive right into the root reasoning behind success. And, no matter how many people tell you they can provide you the quickest road to success, the truth is "They Can't!"
The Surprising Truth Behind Success
No matter what business or profession you are in, here's the simple truth behind success and why no one can ensure you the quickest road to success.
"Success is about YOU constantly taking action to move YOU forward in your business and/or profession."
It sounds so simple, but is it really. Well, at first it's not simple at all because it has everything to do with your mindset and that shift which will move you in the right direction. However, once that is realized, this is where it gets really simple.
It's just like learning anything else that's new to you. It starts of being difficult, then turns out to be no big deal.
Don't let people convince you there is a secret path to success. Because for you, it just won't exist. You'll have to find it out for yourself. When you do figure it out, it'll be the greatest feeling you'll ever experience.
Your thoughts
How do you feel when you hear these guarantees made? Are you suckered into wanting to hear more? What are some tactics you've used to attract successful people? Please feel free to share your take on success and some of the techniques you've personally used by replying to this blog post here.
Dedicated to your Success,
Jerome Ratliff
If you liked this post, please feel free to leave a comment or subscribing to this blog.
Posted by Jerome Ratliff at 9:03 PM 0 comments
Labels: success
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Believing vs. Selling
Do you consider yourself a salesperson within your MLM business or a believer?
Recently I've been hearing more and more rejections from people regarding the, "I'm not a salesperson though?" Let's face it, it's a huge concern with many who are considering network marketing. I believe it comes from the understanding that they must sell in order to make money.
Well, it's far from that!
Sure, when you make that connection with someone and they are truly interested in what you have so that they are ready to make a purchase, does mean you're making a sale. But, it doesn't mean that you are salesperson. FAR FROM IT!!!
Being a salesperson has certainly changed over the years where it use to require a pushy approach to get something sold. Where as today, believing in what you have and what it can do for them is much more preferred.
Here's the difference of selling and believing when it comes to the approach to making a sale.
Selling in the MLM world is the process by which someone agrees to purchase something from you in exchange for money.
Believing in the MLM world is the process by which someone believes in what you have will provide a significant feeling when the purchase has been made.
The two are definitely different, however, both methods work when it comes to making a sale. But, when the 'believing' approach is taken, there's a lot more one on one involvement showing them the value in what you have which is ultimately leading to a sell. What's interesting is more and more salespeople are taking the 'believing' approach. It's a comforting process for the purchaser and the seller.
Most buyers would prefer it to be their idea they made a purchase rather than them feeling like they were just sold something. That's just the way it is and that's why I take the 'believing' approach when it comes to making a sale with my customers.
Your thoughts
How do you feel about the making the sale process? Have you found it to be easier by not being so pushy and instead let the person feel it's the right time for them to buy? Please feel free to share your take on the selling process and some of the techniques you have used that provided you successful results by replying to this blog post here.
Dedicated to your Success,
Jerome Ratliff
If you liked this post, please feel free to leave a comment or subscribing to this blog.
Posted by Jerome Ratliff at 9:06 PM 0 comments
Labels: howto, network marketing, selling
Sunday, April 19, 2009
The Quick One, Two Punch
You're familiar with Boxing right?
If you are, then you know how the quick one, two punch can wear their opponent down. For those of you who don't, it's basically a punch from the left, then the right.
Now, let's think of your competition in your market as the quick one, two punch. They are slowly wearing you down, eating away at your self-confidence on whether or not your business can hold up to theirs.
Before we get into the goodies, I will make something very clear and important. Competition is good!
Without competition, you have no business market. Just imagine you have the first product called Kiddiemagoos (not a real name BTW) that has recently hit the market. Kiddiemagoos is a device that helps babies learn how to walk. Sounds like an interesting product for parents? Well, here's the bad news, since you are the only person out there that has made this product, it's hard for you to get your product off the ground. People just aren't believing in your product. No matter how much marketing and selling you do, it goes no where.
Now imagine... that Kiddiemagoos is a well known product, but other products go by another name. What do you think your results will be? How about, much better!!! Because you have competition they are helping you build the recognition of your product. Now, all you need to do is show why your product is so much better than your competition.
If you had to choose either of the options above, brand new product that no one ever heard of or a product that stand's out above your competion, what would it be?
I hope you said the later.
Now that we've set the ground on that, let's dive a little deeper in how you can avoid the quick one, two punch. Well, it all comes down to what we had already touch a little bit on, Standing out above your competition. Basically, why your product should be picked over the competition.
The last thing us business owners want to do is give up. That shows we are not determined leaders who are interest in their team in succeeding.
Standing out above your competition can be service, which by the way is something extremely important and which I follow, or the benefits of your product.
Whatever it is for you, you must ensure than you do not give in to the quick one, two punch of your competition. If you want to avoid the quick one, two punch, then you got to be quick-witted, creative, and up for a challenge. Because as a business owner, you're going to need it in order to succeed.
Be sure you're the one who's giving the quick one, two punch, by showing what you have is better, rather than the one receiving it.
Never give up!
Your thoughts
What are some ways you have developed for avoiding your competition from wearing you down? Please feel free to share some of the techniques you incorporate into your business by replying to this blog post.
Dedicated to your Success,
Jerome Ratliff
Photo courtesy of 2sports.info
If you liked this post, please feel free to leave a comment or subscribing to this blog.
Posted by Jerome Ratliff at 4:59 PM 1 comments
Labels: creative vision, howto, mlm leader, network marketing leader
Monday, April 6, 2009
Turning Business Into Fun Times
Does the daunting tasks of running your home business sometimes take the fun out of running your business?
If you've ever experienced this, you're not alone. In fact, a lot of home business owners get so caught up in tasks that they completely forget to have fun. I'm here to show you how you can turn those daunting tasks into fun times. Would you like to learn how you can have fun again in your business? Below are five tips you can easily implement into your business.
Turning Business Into Fun Times
Tip #1 - Treat the tasks like a game
(We all like games, when you treat the tasks like a game, you will find more happiness in doing what you do. One game I incorporate into my business is, keeping score. Whenever I finish a task that I have the most difficulty with doing, I give myself a point on my scoreboard. Then at the end of the week, I count up all of my points on my scoreboard, then I celebrate using tip #2 to close out the game.)
Tip #2 - Reward yourself
(After you've finished one of the many tasks, give yourself a little reward. A reward can be taking an extra 10 minute break, buying a coffee, jumping up and throwing your arms into the air and yelling "YES!". Ok, the last one might not work for you, but it may for some. Just get creative here, you deserve to reward yourself.)
Tip #3 - Take frequent breaks
(When you take frequent breaks, you don't get caught up in thick of the task and instead by taking a break you allow for your creative mind to start working for you.)
Tip #4 - Don't take your tasks so seriously
(When you find you're taking your work too seriously, stop it. Instead, find some humor and joy in what you do. Whatever it is for you, just be sure you're having fun.)
Tip #5 - Laugh
(When you're having a hard time finishing or even doing for that matter, any of the business building tasks, try taking a break and laughing. This technique goes hand in hand with tip #4, but instead while taking a break ensuring that you laugh and have a good time. When you laugh, you shift your energy off the daunting tasks to having a fun time.)
The above tips are just a small example of what you can do to turn your business into fun times. Whatever methods work for you, just be sure you're having fun in the process of running your business. Business doesn't have to be boring, it should be fun.
Your thoughts
What are some methods you use to have fun in your business? Please feel free to share some of the techniques you incorporate into your business.
Dedicated to your Success,
Jerome Ratliff
If you liked this post, please feel free to leave a comment or subscribing to this blog.
Posted by Jerome Ratliff at 1:10 PM 0 comments
Labels: build business, home business, howto
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
You Are Responsible For What
Have you ever had a conversation with a child where you were encouraging them to do something like take out the garbage?
If you have, then you know their initial reaction was, "Huh!" What they are really thinking is, that's not their responsibility. So why do they need to worry about it.
Well, do you ever find yourself in your business saying same exact thing or least making an excuse why you shouldn't do something? I would bet you had, at least one time in your business or professional career. We all do! What it all comes done to is you are responsible for the results, no one else.
You Are Responsible For What...
The results! To put this into perspective for you, let's say you're having difficulties generating quality leads for your home business and you find yourself worrying more so than actually taking action by solving the problem. What do you think your results are?
Worry! Stress! That's right.
But is that really helping you move you and your business forward? No. So, rather than having that end result, why not think in turns of results that grow and move your business forward like, purchasing leads, purchasing training material on how to generate leads, etc. Those are the kind of results we want. I call these, Results that Matter.
I recently took a training course on how to be effective. And, what I got the most out of that training course was if you aren't taking action to get you results that matter, whatever else you are doing instead is a Waste of Time.
You see, you are responsible for the outcome and it's directly related to what you are doing. So if you find yourself making excuses of why you shouldn't be purchasing leads, advertising, networking... basically you're saying that's not your responsibility. Well, you're mistaken! You are responsible for your results. After all, it's your business!
So what can you do to get yourself out of this situation...start acting like you're the CEO of your company. Whatever you decide today, either good or bad, you made that decision no one else. Accept the end result and keep, moving, forward.
If you would like to read more about how to Lead and Succeed Like a CEO, click here.
Your thoughts
Why do you think some people feel they aren't responsible for their results? Do you feel responsible for yours? Please feel free to share some of your experiences and opinions why you believe being responsible is the right thing to do for your home business.
Dedicated to your Success,
Jerome Ratliff
If you liked this post, please feel free to leave a comment or subscribing to this blog.
Posted by Jerome Ratliff at 7:03 PM 0 comments
Labels: build business, home business, howto, success
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Looking for Flexibility and Financial Freedom
Do you still think there's hope for your Network Marketing business?
Today's post is courtesy of Success.com from an article I discovered not too long ago. I was recently speaking with some entrepreneurs and their interest for flexibility brought me back to this article.It speaks about why the industry is a great place to be involved in.
So, rather than me speak highly of why they need to be a part of my business, I utilized the tools. I shared this article and similar articles in the past, letting the tools do the work for me. After reading the article if they turn out to be serious, that's when I give them my full attention. We should all use the tools to make our businesses that much easier.
I hope you enjoy this article and use it to grow your business.
Feel free to share this post with people you feel will benefit from this. Also, feel free to share your comments why you feel this STILL is a great industry to be involved in.
Direct Selling Offers Flexibility and Financial Freedom
If you want to spread your entrepreneurial wings but have little or no business experience, don’t have a product or service to offer or are simply looking for a proven system for success, direct selling might be the ideal opportunity.
For more than 100 years, direct selling companies have offered independent representatives the ability to purchase products at wholesale prices and earn a profit by selling them at retail prices. Most direct selling companies also allow representatives to earn commissions for introducing new sales reps to the business. This business model relies on independent contractors, rather than traditional advertising, to spread the word about a company’s products or services. The word-of-mouth marketing approach works for several reasons: Consumers appreciate the personal service, the convenience of shopping from home, and the comfort of buying from those they know and trust.
Jim Cramer, host of CNBC’s Mad Money, is bullish on direct selling, especially during a slowing economy. “Direct selling is a great model…with high gross margins, low capital intensity, lots of free cash flow,” he said on a recent show. “It’s a fragmented industry with gigantic room for growth. The top 15 players only account for about half the market.”
Amy M. Robinson, Direct Selling Association Vice President of Communications and Media Relations, points out that, while many people seek additional income during lean economic times, “in all honesty, direct selling is hot because it’s a fun, convenient way to shop that people enjoy. So, poor economic times or not, people find direct selling to be appealing. Great products, personal service and income potential are elements of direct selling that make it a strong economic contender at all times.”
“People motivated to get started in direct selling typically share certain attributes,” she says. “Most seek supplemental income, either short-term or long term. The social aspect also is appealing for those who love to meet new people and many enjoy buying products and services they already use—at a discount.”
With a direct selling business opportunity you can: Join an industry where business is booming and there’s always room at the top. Direct selling, sometimes referred to as network marketing, is a $32 billion industry in the United States and a $110 billion industry worldwide. The millions of individuals building direct selling businesses determine for themselves when they want to move up the career ladder and exactly how high they want to climb.
Tap into a proven system for success. Avoid wasting time or money by learning from others’ experiences and wisdom. Direct selling companies often provide high-quality, high-impact marketing tools, including personal Web sites, brochures, catalogs, DVDs and CDs to help direct sellers present a professional image—at a fraction of what it would cost to produce the same tools on their own. Additionally, training in best practices is frequently offered online and via conference calls as well as at local and national conferences.
Start a business for $500 or less. Direct selling companies offer big opportunity with minimal startup costs. For a small sign-up fee, new reps receive access to training and marketing materials, discounts on products and sample products to show and sell. You can set up office at your kitchen table with phone and laptop. Low overhead combined with minimal(if any) inventory expenses make direct selling businesses affordable. And because many companies handle online orders and deliver directly to customers, independent representatives can focus their time on connecting with potential clients and team members.
Experience flexibility and time freedom. The flexibility to work around full-time jobs or to create an income stream that fi ts into their families' schedules is a huge perk. Because
each representative is an independent contractor, not an employee, there is no set schedule or required number of hours. On average, part-time direct sellers devote three to 10 hours per week to their businesses. Those who pursue the business full time invest 15 to 35 hours per week. In either case, representatives can set their own schedules and build their businesses during off hours and lunch breaks or on weekends.
Earn what you’re worth. When you’re the boss, you don’t have to ask for a raise—you simply go out and earn one. A results-driven industry, direct selling levels the playing field by offering the same opportunity to everyone regardless of age, ethnicity, gender or socioeconomic background. Equal opportunity, a clearly defined career path and no earning restrictions mean there are no limits on what successful direct sellers can earn. While some in the industry are earning millions, it’s more common for direct sellers to use their businesses to earn extra cash per month to pay for dinners
out, private school, college expenses, cars and family vacations.
Maximize your earnings with residual(or passive) income. By building a team of people who love the products and are excited about telling others about the opportunity, direct sellers can leverage their time and maximize their income. Capitalizing on a team’s efforts means a business owner can devote 10 hours a week to their business, but with 10 other people also devoting 10 hours to their businesses, the team leader earns a commission from the collective sales and team-building results of 110 hours’ effort. It also means a team builder’s business has the potential to grow, even while he or she is on vacation.
“I like the honesty about direct selling,” says economist Paul Zane Pilzer, author of The Next Millionaires, “because it openly tells people the way to get rich is residual income: Get paid tomorrow for something you did yesterday—and let it accumulate.”
Reap the rewards of helping others succeed. Building a team definitely makes financial sense, but it also offers significant intangible rewards. Though representatives run their businesses independently, they often develop a family-like connection with their team members and others in the business. The friendships formed and the experiences of helping others improve their personal and financial lives are often as meaningful to direct sellers as the money they earn.
Get the recognition—and prizes—you deserve. In the corporate world, there’s no such thing as a free lunch, much less free vacations, luxury cars or fine jewelry. Direct selling companies know most people work more diligently and with more enthusiasm for a reward. First-class incentive trips to exotic locations, free cars or car allowances, fine jewelry and cash bonuses are offered by many companies to those who excel. And the opportunity to earn such rewards is open to everyone.
Become a better you. Direct sellers are faced with numerous comfort-zone challenges, and by overcoming those challenges they grow personally and professionally. The encouragement and training these independent business owners receive from their companies’ leaders as well as others in the field spur them to step outside their comfort zones to achieve success.
====Dedicated to your Success,
Jerome Ratliff
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Posted by Jerome Ratliff at 9:49 PM 0 comments
Labels: howto, network marketing, success magazine
Monday, March 2, 2009
Marketing for Geniuses
When creating you're marketing efforts, are your efforts in-line with who you are stating to be? For example, you're marketing your business opportunity out to serious entrepreneurs, the last thing you want out on the internet (A.K.A. dirt on you) is you blabbing about how you hate the industry which you are advertising on. Talking about setting yourself up for failure. Duh!!
That's one thing you do NOT want to do.
I know that may sound ridiculous, but just as Seth Godin discovered, sometimes people don't realize the obvious and how what they are doing today may affect where they want to be tomorrow.
So, how do you avoid this? F.I.V.E. words...
"Live Up to Your Name"
Since we are all serious entrepreneurs, the next time your blogging, submitting articles, hanging out in forums, be ABSOLUTELY certain you aren't contradicting who you are intending to be. Otherwise, it's instant disaster.
Your thoughts
What marketing geniuses do you know that you can share with us? Please only provide information that can truly help someone grow their business.
Dedicated to your Success,
Jerome Ratliff
If you liked this post, please feel free to leave a comment or subscribing to this blog.
Posted by Jerome Ratliff at 6:53 PM 0 comments
Labels: home business, marketing your business
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Mission Impossible or Mission Possible?
Over the last year of so, I've been concentrating on increasing my value for me and my team. But, I'll tell you when I first started off, it felt like Mission Impossible. I came up with this crazy idea that I would read and implement the techniques of 4 books per month.
It was a slow start but once I started to truly enjoy what I was reading, I found it wasn't very difficult after all. And, before you knew it, my plan was becoming more like Mission Possible. To give you an idea of how many books and this is only a portion of them, as about the other half are in forms of eBooks, I've attached a photo of my book case. I actually surpassed my goal of reading 4 books per month.
There's a favorite saying that Charlie "Tremendous" Jones had said, and it goes like this: "
Every time I hear or read that quote, that exemplifies a leader. Leaders are evolving by improving their lives spiritually and intellectually. And, this is the reason I am dedicated to evolving and succeeding every single day.
If you aren't increasing your value, you're missing out on a lot of opportunities. Choose to read something that will help you and you enjoy. Most importantly, have fun! So, do yourself a favor and don't miss out.
Your thoughts
What ways are you increasing your value? Do you prefer reading books, eBooks or listening to audio books?
Dedicated to your success,
Jerome Ratliff
If you liked this post, please feel free to leave a comment or subscribing to this blog.
Posted by Jerome Ratliff at 7:06 PM 0 comments
Labels: howto, increase value, work in process
Thursday, January 22, 2009
10 Ways to Make Your Home Business Easy
The following article was something I recently read about regarding 10 ways to make your home business easy. And, it got me thinking. How many business owners ever intend to make their business easy and FUN? I would say not many and it's probably one of the major reasons why most do not make it.
I hope you enjoy this article from Laura West from Center for Joyful Business and take her advice. After all, if we don't make it fun and easy, then why are we really doing it anyway.
10 Ways to Make Your Home Business Easy
- Have a Vision. Start where you are, and then determine where you want to go. Be patient with yourself and accept whatever phase of your business you're at. Whether you're starting out, bouncing back, having some growing pains, floundering or flourishing. At the same time, have a crystal clear image of where you're headed - always have a vision! The only way to get out of where you are is to have a vision so you can have somewhere to go. Without a vision, it's like being in a boat and having no idea where you are rowing to. With a vision, you can make a plan, gather supplies, and set direction and sail.
- Get a partner. Don't try to do it alone. I've partnered with a very cool & knowledgeable tech person, a writing coach and my own coach to hold me accountable for continuing to produce high quality products and content for my clients and customers.
- Create systems for easy structure to be successful. The partnerships I've created form a system that my marketing tasks fit in - something bigger than me that provides structure and accountability. For instance, I now have a timeline set-up for getting my newsletter published on a specific day each month. It sounds really basic. And, it's amazing how many people have an idea but no plan as to when, how, what it will look like.
- Get out of your home office. Find inspiration and creativity in places outside the norm. I start each day with "Creative Bagel Time", where I go to a fun cafe and spend some time creating a vision about my business. I also spend one day a week working out of a friends' office suite. The first coaching session I hold with many clients will be at a location that is beautiful or somehow stimulating, such as the park or gardens. It boosts creativity ten times!!!
- Connect with people on a similar path. Look around and see what other people are up to. When you come upon someone doing something similar, see what synergy you can create together! Instead of slipping into the mindset of competition or comparison, find encouragement that others are making it work! Energy, inspiration and ideas from two passionate people will always be like 1+1 = 10!
- Take mircro-movements. This suggestion comes from SARK, one of my favorite creative gurus and authors. For me, saying I wanted to publish my first ezine after a year-long break was too big of a step. I had to break the task down into simple small baby steps that feel easy. For me, a good place to start was writing my list of events. That got my pen flowing, set me in motion, and built up a sense of momentum, energy and success.
- Let go of trying to make it perfect! You can't possibly control or predict the results of your actions, so let go of that and try to stay unattached. Though you have a clear vision and you're committed to making it happen, be willing to accept whatever results come your way -- they might just be better than anything you've imagined! Just let it fly with the intention that "Of course, it will evolve" It always does!
- Face your obstacles. What's getting in your way? Not enough time, fear of failure, scared of success? We all have them. Partner with your coach or a coach-like friend who can help you through this. One way that I help my clients identify their obstacles and unhelpful beliefs is through a process called the "Heart of the Beast". It helps to neutralize the constrictive energy around your fears. I also use it myself, so I can tell you that it's as powerful as it sounds!
- Nurture yourself. When we're fatigued, tapped out physically, emotionally and spiritually, and stressed to the max, NOTHING seems easy. Make self-care rituals for your mind, body and soul as important on your to-do list as checking your email.
- Celebrate! Don't wait until the whole project is completed or until you've seen what the results are -- celebrate each completed micro-movement or baby step. Find fun and joyful rewards that will motivate you to keep going so you can get more of them.
Which of these tips can you apply to a project that's challenging you right now? Here's to making it easy!
Laura, you couldn't be more right. When we focus our attention towards the things that can make our home business easy, it makes for one happy person. There is a sense of balance!
Your thoughts
What are some ways you've discovered to make your home business easy for you? Which of these 10 ways do you feel you will benefit from the most?
Dedicated to your success,
Jerome Ratliff
photo supplied from IdeaMarketers.com.
If you liked this post, please feel free to leave a comment or subscribing to this blog.
Posted by Jerome Ratliff at 9:40 PM 0 comments
Labels: easy home business, entrepreneur, home business, law of attraction, make a home business, marketing, ways to make your home business easy
Sunday, January 11, 2009
The MLM Cure to Your Sick Business
How many times have you been sick and no matter what type of medicine you take over the counter, it just doesn't work? So, what's the next best thing to do? Get yourself to a doctor or clinic and have them take a look at you!
Going to a doctor or visiting a specialist, reassures us that if anyone can get us better, they could.
If we were to run our business like we take care of a common cold, perhaps maybe our business would not need a cure. But, let's face it, sometimes no matter what we do, we are desperately seeking a cure. The cure that will correct our major issues encountered in a business. Let's discover what some of the MLM cures can do for your business.
The Multi-Level Marketing Cure to Your Sick Business
Don't you wish you could go to your local business store and right there on the top shelf is, "Marketing Cure - Advanced Formula"? Ok, I know that sounds a little crazy. But, let's face it, suffering small businesses are not willing to resolve problems by themselves. They are looking for someone else to fix their problems, which brings me to the top the seven MLM cures for your sick business...
Cure #1
Get an expert to help (seek advice from someone that has experienced your problem) - Using leverage has been one of the top secrets, millionaires have been using for over 100 years. So, why not do the same. When you're having trouble in one particular area of your business, find an expert that has the experience in getting results. Then, offer to share services with this person or compensate them if they are not interested in sharing services. You'll be amazed by what this approach will do for you.
Cure #2
Analyze your current situation (what's working, what's not) - Do more of what's working and stop what's not working. The best method of knowing what's working and what's not, is to keep track. Keep track of everything you do. Especially when it comes to marketing and advertising your business, especially the quality of the customer service you provide. It's important that you are always in an analyzing state, all successful business people do this.
Cure #3
Educate your expectations (look at your marketing plan and determine if you what you have is achievable) - Are your goals SMART goals? If they aren't, consider either toning down your goals or do what successful business people do, "Seek out an expert in a particular area you are weak at and have them be a part of your team." That's a true win-win situation.
Cure #4
Change your approach (come up with an ingenious way of promoting your product and your business). While you are running your business, you may discover some areas or approaches are not working for you, in that case it's time to change it up. Just because you first started with that method doesn't mean you are bound to that. You must be evolving. In fact, there are many forms of marketing your business to running business. But, what's important is that you find a model that works for you and allows you to be successful.
Cure #5
Advertise the business like you're the CEO of the company (this will help you get out of the frame of mind as treating this as your JOB) - It's your business that needs help, no one else! So, start acting like a CEO and get your business under control. You can do that by following some of these cures we are covering here in the post. But, by no means does it mean to stop there. Always search for ways to improve. Improving and evolving is what entrepreneurs do. While you are improving, start off with thinking with good intentions like, you'll be receiving bundles and bundles of endless business. Now that sounds like a CEO!
Cure #6
Build a sustainable network of business partners (teach your current and future team members how they can plug into a system they can easily duplicate) - Everyday while working and not working, you should be searching for your perfect business partner. When you find that person, you mentor them and guide them through the process of being successful so that they can do the samething one day. This way it will be a win-win, but can potentially be an infinite win. Can you imagine that?
Cure #7
Become a leader (when you rise up as leader, you put yourself in a state of attraction where 'like attracts like') - This one, as you know, is paramont for any business. Having troubles with your business? It's time to step up and be the leader. Being a leader is someone who sets an examples for how the business should be ran and turning current and future business partners into leaders as well.
Your thoughts
What are some cures you found that made a difference in your business? Have you ever used any of the ideas discussed above? If so, which one(s) do find gives you the best results?
Dedicated to your success,
Jerome Ratliff
photo supplied from WebMd.com.
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Posted by Jerome Ratliff at 2:56 PM 2 comments
Labels: howto, marketing your business, network marketing