Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Listen To Your Customers

When is the last time you listened to your customers?

Everyday in our business we our servicing our customers and listening to them. Either listening to their concerns, issues, or their appreciation for our service. But are we really hearing what they are saying?

Are we acting interested in what they have to say?

==> Well, we should be!

In order to stand out in front of our competitors, we need to be different. And, in this case different is good!

Take a doctor for example. When we are sick and not feeling well, doctors tend to ask a lot of questions. They are asking these questions in order to properly diagnose our condition. Can you imagine being sick, visiting a doctor and without checking your symptoms they just decide to give you a prescription? No, I can't imagine! They ask questions and listen to our answers.

We as business professionals/owners, need to be just like that doctor. Ask questions, listen, and create a rapport with them. Find out what their interests are, what they dislike, and what they do like. By listening to your customers, you're essentially creating a relationship regardless if they use your service or not. You never know who they may speak to and refer you to.

The next time you are in situation where you are confronted by your customer that is dissatisfied with your service, try listening to them and ask questions.

Some things to mention:
  • Introduce yourself and ask them their name. (Create rapport)
  • "I'm sorry you were unhappy with our service, can you tell me what you were unhappy with?" (Listen to them and you may actually get to the root cause)
  • "How can I make your experience more enjoyable?" (Ease their pain by relating to them)
  • Make a recommendation. (Subtly relate their experience to a past client and what you did for them)
These are obviously high level solutions, but they demonstrate the need to truly listen to the customer.

Make their experience something they'll never forget, and you'll have a lifetime customer.

So, the next time you talk to your customer, What Will You Do?

Jerome Ratliff
Independent Associate
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