Well, there are no guarantees in life and to say where you will be in five years, no one will know for sure.
Unless, you are a work in process!
What are you doing today to prepare yourself for tomorrow? Are you increasing your value? Are you sharing what you know with others? Do you have a plan to prepare for the uncertain moments that occur in one's life?
If you haven't thought these elements of your life through, perhaps you should. By becoming a work in process, you are making dramatic improvements to your life and professional career. You are never standing still. You are always doing. For example, let's say in your personal life you have a difficult time with organization. Well, what can you do to fix this? Do you hire an organizational consultant? Do you read all about organization? Whatever you choose to do, what's important is that you accept the dilemma, and work on changing your situation. When you decide to do this, this is when good changes happen.
So, what's the value in improving? By constantly improving yourself, you demonstrate then when you face a situation, you are able to overcome it. Just like you did with the organization issue. You accepted the problem by facing it head-on, and came up with a solution. You didn't throw your hands up in the air and agreed to failure. No, you were determined to come out of the situation smelling like a rose.
A true professional knows that in life we are faced with adversities, but what makes them different is they do something about it to change their situation for the better. Professionals that live like this are successful in their work and with their personal life. Can you imagine if the rest of the world was faced with adversities, and decided to stand still? Life as we know it would come to an end. Nothing would ever change. Nothing would ever improve. All that would happen is absolutely nothing.
So many people decide to sit back, wait, and watch their life fly by. For me, as well as for many other successful people, we do not sit back and wait for anything. We enjoy the 'doing part' of living our lives and consider everyday a true blessing. We are always improving ourselves. We are always helping others. We live our lives in expectancy. We understand what we put into our life we will get back tenfold.
Make changes in your life and when you are faced with a situation, no matter how difficult it may seem, deal with it head first. This is not easy to do, but it will save you from future frustrations. It is well worth dealing with it right away.
If you are not a work in process, don't worry. Just make the change so you are a work in process. Do you have a situation that you are afraid of the end result? This is your opportunity to overcome your dilemma and deal with it head-on.
The next time you are faced with a situation, deal with it and become a work in process.
Dedicated to your success,
Jerome Ratliff
Independent Associate